“ We don’t like their music, and even the popularity of guitar is going down”
( Decca Recording Company when rejecting The Beatles, 1962 )
“ You won’t go anywhere, kid. Better going back with your previous job, as a truck driver “
( Jimmy Denny, Grand Ole Orpy manager when kicking out Elvis Presley after a show at 1954 )
“ Just learn to be a secretary or get married “
( Emmeline Snively, director of Blue Book Modelling Agency, her advice for Marilyn Monroe, 1944 )
“ Your teeth form is bad, and you talk so slow “
( Universal Pictures Executive when Rejecting Clint Eastwood, 1959 )
Well , all of us know what happened then with the Zeros. They’ve got their popularity boost and reach their dream. Many heart stabbing words come to us, to stop teaching, to stop blogging, said that you’re nothing, you’re not a good teacher, you talk to slow, you’re ugly, you can’t be with kid, you don’t have talent, etc. But the one who know our future only God, and the one who decide to walk on or just sit is us. We can learn to get better and better until become the best.
I translate the sentences from Indonesian language so it maybe a bit different from the real sentences ( if you found it somewhere ).
picture taken from internet